Solo (ANTARA) - Mayor of Solo, Central Java, F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo, late, Friday, March 13, declared a state of emergency in the city over the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak after it claimed the life of one of its citizens.
"According to our coordination meeting held to contain the spread of the virus, we declare a state of emergency over coronavirus in Solo," Rudyatmo stated, adding that all public and private schools in this city have been shut for at least the next 14 days.
Baca juga: Pemerintah Indonesia perlu belajar dari Italia dan Iran dalam tangani COVID-19
Furthermore, the local government has placed the city on lockdown after an indefinite ban on Car Free Day as well as the show of Wayang Orang Sriwedari (traditional theater) performances and sports activities at the Manahan Stadium.
Restrictions will also be in place for tourism spots and their transportation routes.
Governmental activities, including the flag ceremony, official visit, and some cultural events, were either cancelled or suspended.
"We are going to cull some kind of bats at the Depok Birds Market," Rudyatmo revealed.
He ordered shopping centers and traditional markets to provide spots for customers to wash their hands and suggested people to avoid direct contact with one another, including handshakes.