New Year's resolutions must be well thought out to minimize disappointment: psychologist

id psychologist,New Year's Resolutions,new year 2022 plan,psychological disorders,mental disorders

New Year's resolutions must be well thought out to minimize disappointment: psychologist

Ketty Murtini, a psychologist from the Central Java Indonesian Psychological Association (Himpsi). ANTARA/HO-Personal Documentation

New Year's resolutions must be made in calculation and must be followed by clear planning for reducing disappointment....

Purwokerto, C Java (ANTARA) - New Year's resolutions must be well thought out to minimize disappointment if things do not go according to plan, a psychologist from the Central Java Indonesian Psychological Association (Himpsi), Ketty Murtini, has said.

"New Year's resolutions must be made in calculation and must be followed by clear planning for reducing disappointment and preventing psychological disorders," Murtini said in Purwokerto, Banyumas District, Central Java, on Monday.

At the beginning of each year, people make resolutions, express hope for, and pray for the things they want to achieve or realize, she noted.

Psychologically, resolutions need to be created so that people can summon the enthusiasm and fighting power to achieve them, but they must be accompanied by a thorough plan, she said.

The plan must clearly state what steps need to be taken for realizing the goals, which path needs to be chosen, or what preparations must be made, she explained.

By breaking them into measurable steps, efforts towards making resolutions can be adjusted to the conditions and capabilities of each individual, she highlighted.

The key is careful and mature planning, such as contemplating what stages of the goal can be realized, she said.

"So, if one fails to realize the resolution goal, they have the things to evaluate, and disappointment is not the main feeling," she elaborated.

Moreover, Murtini said, people also need to evaluate whether the resolutions that have been made in the previous years have been achieved.

Failing to realize resolutions is natural, she added. However, the cause needs to be learned: although some of the goals could not be achieved, there may have been small things that were achieved along the way, she expounded.

"This is where the role of evaluation and planning (takes over), so individuals are not confused and understand themselves better," she said.

Long-term disappointment and sadness can cause psychological disorders, therefore, well thought out New Year's resolutions can prevent mental problems in the future, she added.

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