Indonesia performs better in fishery exports than other countries : Minister

id Indonesia performs bettert in fishery exports, illegal fishing, Minister Susi

Indonesia performs better in fishery exports than other countries : Minister

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Minister Susi Pudjiastuti

Jakarta (Antara) - Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Minister Susi Pudjiastuti said that Indonesia has performed better in the export of fisheries commodities than other countries, amid the global economic downturn.
"Exports, however, fell, but compared to other countries, Indonesia's exports are much better," Pudjiastuti stated, at a press conference at the Office of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries here, on Thursday.
Pudjiastuti also reminded that currently, the amount of fish stocks has increased in Indonesian waters. This has resulted in an increase in catches and an increase in the exchange rate of fishermen and cultivators, which increases the amount of income they receive compared to what they had before.
All these factors support the performance of the marine and fisheries sector in order to improve the Indonesian economy, she remarked.
Meanwhile, Director General of Strengthening Competitiveness of Maritime and Fishery Products of KKP, Nilanto Perbowo, stated that the decrease in export volume does not affect the annual increase in export values.
Perbowo revealed that there is a factor of rising export prices every year, and fishery products have added values.
In addition, it was revealed that the average of products that fall in the volume of exports is a product with a relatively low price.
Previously, President Joko Widodo had asked the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) to increase the production of the fishery industry.
"Now the concentration is for the fish processing industry, especially those that encourage the export of fish, because our exports are down," the president noted in Jakarta on Wednesday.
Jokowi explained that his directions had been submitted to Pudjiastuti.
Jokowi has expressed his supports towards all the efforts to increase fishery production in Indonesia, both capture and cultivation.
He also added that every minister in the working cabinet must has a policy to improve the welfare of the nation.