Denpasar (ANTARA) - Shopping centers or malls in Bali are set to enforce regulations launched by the central government for mall visitors by making it mandatory to show their vaccination certificates through the PeduliLindungi application.

"The requirement to show vaccine certificates to enter malls in Bali is only in the trial stage, as PPKM Level 4 is still applied in Bali. However, we have disseminated information among members of the public," Level 21 Mall Manager Zenzen Guisi Halmis stated on Thursday.

Halmis believes that the regulation is a positive step in the efforts to stem the transmission of COVID-19.

Hence, her party took the initiative to conduct trials and disseminate information on the mandatory requirements for the vaccine certificate in order to support the government's program to prevent the spread of COVID-19 despite Bali malls not being fully opened since PPKM Level 4 is still in place.

Despite being in the pilot phase, Halmis is optimistic that every mall employee and visitor would fulfill the mandatory requirements for a vaccine certificate.

"The mechanism is that employees and visitors download the PeduliLindungi application and register by filling in personal data," she affirmed.

Later, the system in the application will run and check the user's vaccination data as recorded by the Ministry of Health.

"We are still awaiting directions from the Bali provincial government to implement the regulation," Halmis emphasized.

Currently, his mall is still conducting trials as the application of this regulation is not easy, and errors could likely occur, for which tested must first be conducted.

"Visitors with no vaccination certificate on health grounds can show a doctor's certificate and a negative PCR or rapid antigen result," she explained.

Based on observations at the location, several visitors were still clueless about the use of the PeduliLindungi application. Some visitors showed vaccine certificates through a link or brought a printed version. This was apparent from the several officers at the mall entrance post giving directions to the visitors.

One of the mall visitors, Ayu Sudani, spoke of being aware of the application as a mandatory requirement to enter the mall, though she did not understand the implementation.

"At first, it was confusing and a little complicated, but after the officer explained about the PeduliLindungi application, I finally understood it. I think it is a positive move for our protection," she expounded.

During the PPKM Level 4 period that extended until August 30, Level 21 Mall Denpasar began accepting visitors, with 25-percent capacity to dine in at cafes and restaurants, with a maximum duration of 30 minutes and limiting its operating hours to 21:00 WITA in accordance with the governor's circular.

However, tenant malls, such as cinemas, children's entertainment venues, and others, are still temporarily closed. Access to cafes, restaurants, optical pharmacies, and supermarkets is still open by employing 50 percent of the staff and implementing strict health protocols and prioritizing delivery or takeaway service.

The Ministry of Health has targeted to vaccinate 208 million Indonesians in a bid to achieve herd immunity. As of Tuesday, Aug 24, some 150 million slots were still remaining to achieve the target. The government has ordered all parties to participate in achieving herd immunity to curb the spread of COVID-19. 
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Pewarta : Naufal Y/Nyoman H, Resinta S
Editor : Budisantoso Budiman
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