Jakarta (ANTARA) - Application-based technology service provider company, Gojek, launched 12 driver partner welfare programs to contribute to sustainable livelihoods in the face of a decline in community activity owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Uncertainty looms large over our driver partner. Hence, we hope our efforts would help reduce their anxiety about the future," Gojek Co-CEO Kevin Aluwi noted in an official statement here on Tuesday.

He expounded that the twelve programs covered three key areas -- providing health services, reducing the burden of daily costs, and offering income support -- that most optimally supported the survival of partners.

"We have designed all these initiatives to cover critical areas that have the most impact on our partners, as people struggle amid the current crisis," Gojek Co-CEO Andre Soelistyo explained.
Baca juga: Gojek bosses to give 25 percent of salary to drivers financial support for 12 months

These programs comprise providing health equipment, offering health insurance coverage for outpatients and inpatients, and raising partner awareness to adhere to health procedures with educational materials through notifications on the application.

In connection with lessening the burden of daily costs, efforts encompass the distribution of food packages to drivers over 60 years of age in major cities, provision of coupons to procure daily basic necessities at convenience stores and a package of frugal and healthy food, and assistance in the payment of vehicle loan in the form of relief in vehicle installment payments.

Income assistance to be provided encompasses the addition of options, so that consumers can add partner tips of up to Rp100 thousand, assistance for COVID-19 positive drivers, and direct cash assistance for those who qualify.

Gojek Chief Commissioner Garibaldi Thohir expressed hope that this step would be followed by other Indonesian companies as well as be able to move the hearts of businesspersons and other stakeholders to participate and collaborate with Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa to help the other million informal sector workers affected by the pandemic.

Baca juga: Gojek starts financial aid for driver partners positive COVID-19


Pewarta : Edy Sujatmiko, Windi Tri, Azis K
Editor : Budisantoso Budiman
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