Jakarta (ANTARA) - Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution has revoked the ban on the sale of bulk cooking oil.

In essence, the ban must be cancelled first," he said in Jakarta Wednesday

He had met with Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita and discussed the ban, Nasution said.

"I asked Mr. Enggar whether the ban will be or has been cancelled. Basically, it is still in the process of being cancelled," he said.

No resident had been banned from using bulk cooking oil, Lukita said recently.
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"The government continues to give (the people) a chance to use bulk cooking oil," he said.

The government wants cooking oil producers to sell the product in simple packs and comply with the highest retail price of Rp11,000 per liter, the trade minister said.

The government has no intention of eliminating small and medium scale businesses that are accustomed to using bulk cooking oil, he said.

The government has guaranteed the price and stock of packed cooking oil without burdening customers, he said, adding that the price is not too different from that of bulk cooking oil.

The packed cooking oil is sold in packaging ranging from 200 ml packs to large one-liter packs.

The government will not recall bulk cooking oil from the market, he said.

"It will not be withdrawn. So, as of January 1 (2020) there must be packed cooking oil at each stall," he said.  
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Pewarta : Dewa Ketut Sudiarta Wiguna/Suharto
Editor : Budisantoso Budiman
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