Banjarnegara, C Java, Dec 14 (ANTARA Lampung) - The death toll in the major landslide that engulfed Jemblung hamlet in Central Java's Banjarnegara district rose to 39 on Sunday evening, according to the National Disaster Mitigation Board (BNPB).

"Preliminary data show 39 people have been found dead and 69 others are believed still to be buried by landslide," BNPB Deputy Head for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Section Harmensyah said.

Harmensyah said the search for another dead victims will be continued on Monday (December 15).

Nearly 2,000 volunteers from the Indonesian Military, Police, Search and Rescue Agency, and Regional Disaster Mitigation Boards joined the search for the bodies of the landslide victims, he said.

"After all bodies of dead victims have been discovered, the next step is deciding whether the survivors will live in rented houses or will be resettled to other area. Tomorrow we will coordinate with SKPD (the provincial apparatus working unit) to decide the matter," he said.

He said he had talked with the Banjarnegara district head that the local authorities must have decided the area in a week if they are resettled.

He said almost all areas in the district are prone to landslide and therefore, local residents should stay alert for landslides particularly if there are heavy rains.

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